Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Prayer for Waters of Japan

Tracy Brant from drum circle sent this out. Please read and then send your prayers. Thanks!


Water Ceremony with Dr. Masaru Emoto

Location Global Event - Please join us in prayer right from where you are - for a special Water Ceremony for the waters at the nuclear plants Japan. This Thursday at 12pm in YOUR time zone. Thank you for your love and support!

More Info A letter from Dr Masaru Emoto...

To All People Around the World,

Please send your prayers of love and gratitude to water at the nuclear plants in Fukushima, Japan!
By the massive earthquakes of Magnitude 9 and surreal massive tsunamis, more than 10,000 people are still missing...even now... It has been 16 days already since the disaster happened. What makes it worse is that water at the reactors of Fukushima Nuclear Plants started to leak, and it's contaminating the ocean, air and water molecule of surrounding areas.

Human wisdom has not been able to do much to solve the problem, but we are only trying to cool down the anger of radioactive materials in the reactors by discharging water to them.

Is there really nothing else to do?

I think there is. During over twenty year research of hado measuring and water crystal photographic technology, I have been witnessing that water can turn positive when it receives pure vibration of human prayer no matter how far away it is.

Energy formula of Albert Einstein, E=MC2 really means that Energy = number of people and the square of people's consciousness.

Now is the time to understand the true meaning. Let us all join the prayer ceremony as fellow citizens of the planet earth. I would like to ask all people, not just in Japan, but all around the world to please help us to find a way out the crisis of this planet!!

The prayer procedure is as follows.

Day and Time:
March 31st, 2011 (Thursday)
12:00 noon in each time zone

Please say the following phrase:
*"The water of Fukushima Nuclear Plant, we are sorry to make you suffer.
Please forgive us. We thank you, and we love you."
Please say it aloud or in your mind. Repeat it three times as you put your hands together in a prayer position. Please offer your sincere prayer.

Thank you very much from my heart.

With love and gratitude,
Masaru Emoto
Messenger of Water

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After our drumming circle journeys last night regarding the nature of vortexes and how we can work with them communally and personally, I googled for more information. As you can imagine there are hundreds if not thousands of sites. I am posting a particularly interesting one. However the best information is gleaned by finding local power spots and gaining information directly from our Mother Earth, Pachamama.

Ancient people knew that wherever the earth's energy gathered into a vortex was a sacred place. These strongly charged areas of the globe have also been the places where people have chosen to build churches, temples and other centers of spirit and learning. Places like Stonehenge, the Pyramids of Egypt, Easter Island, and so on are well known as vortex spots. There are three main types of vortexes - all three are replenishing and supercharged with high quality energy.The three vortex types are:

Electric - stimulates and energizes, activates
Magnetic - attracts energy to the area
Electromagnetic -both activates and attracts energy

There are powerful vortexes scattered around the globe that are, in essence, the Earth's chakra system. Earth has both a major and a minor chakra system, just as people do. With the advent of modern life and wide spread pollution, the Earth's chakras have become contaminated - and in need of clearing. Ancient mystics such as the Druids used song, sounds, and ceremonies to keep a chakra open, cleaned, and in proper working order. More and more people in the 21st century are remembering these old ways and are once again paying homage in ritual to the Great Mother. People are relearning the ancient shamanic and medicine way knowledge, centered on a relationship with the Earth. This not only helps heal the Earth, but affects the person strongly as well. Again, the relationship between the Earth and us is reciprocal. We affect each other in direct and subtle ways.

As people meditate and send energy to the Earth while close to a vortex point, most come to a common realization. These vortexes serve as portals - ones that humans can tap to touch their own higher dimensional selves. All of us have at least 12 layers of subtle bodies coupled with our current physical one. The Earth has these layers as well. When we are close to an active chakra of the Earth, it energizes us to "see" things the way they really are - multidimensional and ever evolving.

Although some may think vortexes and energy grids are pure fantasy, science is beginning to prove that this ancient teaching is actual fact. As Joseph Jochmans wrote in Earth, the Crystal Planet"In 1973, three Russians--historians Nikolai Goncharov, construction engineer Vyacheslav Morozov. and electronics specialist Valery Makarov--announced in the science journal for the Soviet Academy of Science, Chemistry and Life, their discovery of a geometric grid pattern which appears to interlink a wide number of natural phenomena into a single planetary system. Their work was based on the flndings of American researcher Ivan T. Sanderson who identified what he called twelve vile vortexes or electromagnetic energy disturbances located equidistant over the surface of the globe, the so-called Bermuda Triangle near the Caribbean and the Devil's Sea off Japan being two of these. What the three Russians found was an underlying framework linking these centers into a dual crystal structure, a combination between an icosahedron and a dodecahedron. Not surprisingly, these happen to be the Fourth and Fifth Solids in the Platonic series, which were projected outward by the Earth for over the last million years or so."

If you get a chance to rest and meditate at one of the major earth vortexes, do make sure that you listen closely. It is commonly accepted that there is at least one major chakra on each continent. The cardinal seven chakras are:

1st chakra - Mt. Shasta, California
2nd chakra - Lake Titicaca, South America
3rd chakra - Uluru-Katatjuta, Australia
4th chakra - Glastonbury-Shaftesbury, England
5th chakra - Great Pyramid-Mt. of Olives
6th chakra - Kuh-e Malek Siah, Iran
7th chakra - Mt. Kailas, Tibet.
There are also four vortexes that govern the four elements. These are spinning energy portals where rituals done in a circle can open and heal the Earth, the participants and people at large. These four vortexes are sitated at:
Earth - Table Mountain, Cape Town, South Africa
Water - Lake Rotopounamu, North Island, New Zealand
Air - Great Pyramid, Mount of Olives
Fire - Haleakala Crater, Hawaii.
Some believe that certain vortexes are negative or vile in energy. A famous example is the Bermuda Triangle. A great resource for looking up various vortexes is the page, 10 Vile Vortex Locations

As well, seek out the minor chakras - the vortexes that are in your vicinity. Make a point to visit them regularly. As you do listen for the Earth's ancient language. The Earth's language reaches us via energy - light, sound, electromagnetic radiation, the elements, and so on. Do whatever your heart tells you to do in your sacred place - meditate, dance, sing, chant, drum, walk - whatever makes you feel joy and peace. By doing this you help the Earth to mend any tears and congestion in her chakras - help her revitalize her power. Any chakra work is great chakra work. When you work with one minor or major chakra it affects all of the other ones, around the globe.

Rajuna's Reserve TM
All rights reserved 1998 - 2008

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Sunday, March 27, 2011

Shamanic Wisdom: Following Your Heart and Spirit Into the Shamanic Realms

FYI: I have a 4 session program in the works. Stay tuned for further information. It will most likely start in June or July and will be for those who want to know more about shamanism for healing but don't want to commit to the full 2 year program. The cost will be $400. We will meet once per month for 4 months.

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Location:Dancing Drum Healing Arts Center

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

A Healing Request for the Drumming Circle, March 22, 2011

A request for some extraction work has been requested from the drumming circle tonight. If anyone from the 1st apprenticeship would like to do this
healing please be prepared. This is a great opportunity to practice with the support of the group I am also thinking of using the Mother Drum. See you tonight.

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Thursday, March 17, 2011

Drum Making Workshop in April

Drum Making Workshop April 23, 2011


Create your own unique drum in sacred circle. All drum making supplies included for making a 15-16 inch natural skin drum. A vegetarian lunch will be provided.

Space is limited. Please call at 607-279-0444 or email me at

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Ethical considerations in shamanic work

Here is a forward from Michael Harner with pertinence for our healing work in the drumming circle. Susan Moelke has written an excellent article on ethics in shamanism which I strongly recommend reading.

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Mt. Fuji by Gideon Davidson from Flickr, used under a Creative Commons License.

March 14, 2011

Dear FSS Circle Members and Friends:       

Our hearts go out to the people, land, and all beings in Japan. Shamanic healing circles, drumming circles, and FSS Three Year and Two Week program graduates are responding, requesting healing help for this terrible series of events.

People are sending help in their own ways, depending upon their training and how they are moved to respond. Prayer, sending spiritual light, envisioning healing, and other means of spiritual assistance are all being offered. And, of course, ordinary reality efforts such as donations or hands-on help are also of great importance.

If you are working shamanically and bringing the power of your helping spirits to the region to address the spiritual aspects of this emergency to complement the efforts of ordinary reality workers, here are some guidelines that can help make your shamanic efforts truly effective, ethical, and healing.
Permission* from the souls of all beings, including the land, must be obtained before doing any work. Journey work must be done in advance to gain permission and to discover the scope of any shamanic healing to be offered. Then, work in accordance with and to the extent of your training.
Keep in mind that you are working with a culture that is different from our own. The Japanese have their spiritual traditions concerning life, death, and healing, which must be fully respected.
Work closely with your compassionate helping spirits of the Upper and Lower Worlds. Let them take the lead.
This is what we have all been training for - to be able to bring the infinite love and power of the helping spirits to bear to alleviate pain and suffering in such tragic circumstances.

With hope and compassion for all,

Michael Harner and Susan Mokelke

* Note: If you wish some guidance on issues of permission, you may review the article, Ethical Considerations in Shamanic Healing.


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Monday, March 14, 2011

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Yelapa view

On this snowy day think spring. Here's where Kate and I stayed in Yelapa.

Shamanic weekend at Nature's Song Retreat Center

I will be teaching an intro to shamanism workshop on Saturday, March 26 ,2011 as part of a 2 day event with Mary Boardman at Nature's Song. Dear friends,
It is the beginning of a new year and I am excited by all the activity here at Nature's Song. You will soon be receiving some information about the newly formed Sacred Sounds Mystery School, bringing like-minded and like-hearted people together to explore the many modalities of using sound for personal and planetary transformation.
The first workshop is an Introduction to Shamanism. I am including the information here in the e-mail and also as an attachment. Please send it to everyone on your own e-mail lists that you think may be interested. As Obama and many others have reminded us, now is the time, and we are the ones we have waited for.
Please spread the word about this program to as many people as possible. Feel free to make flyers and post them in your offices. Let's get the work of awakening everyone to the next level!
In the words of Spirit - "Espavo!" which means, "thank you for taking your power."
Love and blessings,
An Introduction to the Shamanic Journey
for Personal Healing and Inspiration
This is a two-day workshop that explores Shamanism as a personal spiritual practice. Saturday will be with Shaman Pat Floyd using ancient techniques. Sunday will be with Dr. Mary Boardman using a modern audio technology program developed by a shaman in collaboration with The Robert Monroe Institute, the premier sound institute in the country. Each day is unique and can be taken separately, but coming to both days will broaden both your experience and knowledge of shamanism. Come for one or both programs. Both new and experienced shamanic practitioners are welcome!
Saturday, March 26, with Pat Floyd      Sunday, March 27, with Mary Boardman
Cost: Just $95/day.
Please bring: a brown-bag lunch, bandana, journal, drum, or rattle if you have one,
and winter attire for outside time. Drinks and snacks are provided.
Saturday with Pat Floyd: The focus of this workshop will be exploring the ancient yet timely practice of the shamanic journey for direct revelation with Spirit, for personal healing, knowledge, and guidance. We will come together in sacred circle, spending the day learning the technique of the classic shamanic journey, drumming, being outside
connecting with the natural world, learning about our power animals, and whatever else may spontaneously be gifted from the Spirits.
Pat Floyd is a shamanic healer and teacher with 20 years of experience in shamanic healing ways. She is a member of the Foundation of Shamanic Studies and The Society of Shamanic Practitioners and has studied with Michael Harner, Sandra Ingerman, as well as indigenous shamans from Central and South America. Her healing practice, Dancing Drum Healing Arts is located in Newfield, NY. She is available for individual sessions and workshops. Please check out her website: Pat can also be reached at 607-0444 or
Sunday with Dr. Mary Boardman:  We will be using The Shaman’s Heart Program: The Path of Authentic Power, Purpose and Presence, a revolutionary, verbally guided program with Hemi-sync technology for soul-based and heart centered living created in collaboration with shaman Dr. Byron Metcalf and The Robert Monroe Institute. This is a comprehensive program to help you fully develop your authentic power, purpose and presence by exploring and developing the heart from a shamanic and transpersonal perspective.
The Shaman’s Heart Program contains verbal guidance, Dr. Metcalf’s award winning music, subtle sound effects and specially blended Hemi-sync frequencies to guide you into focused, whole-brain states of consciousness. Hemi-sync helps you achieve and sustain synchronized brain-wave activity in both hemispheres of your brain – an optimum condition for improving human performance.
Dr. Mary Boardman is the Director of the Sacred Sounds Mystery School and owner of Nature’s Song Retreat Center. She has a Masters Degree in Marriage and Family Therapy from Syracuse University, and a Doctor of Ministry Degree from Wisdom University in San Francisco. Her private practice specializes in Transpersonal Psychology, Marriage and Family Therapy, Interfaith Spiritual Direction and LifeForce Sound and Energy Medicine. She has been in private practice for 23 years, and has been doing sound and hands-on healing for 16 years. She studied at The Robert Monroe Institute for two years and remains a professional member. You may visit her web sites at   or
 You may reach her at or 607-659-3909.
Please feel free to contact either presenter with questions.
To register: Call Nature’s Song Retreat Center at 607-659-3909 or e-mail Mary at